Tuesday, January 2, 2007

Forgotten traits--> yesterday a forgotten past

hi ppl this is shunned gabriel trying to get thro that mind of yours which is ever yearnin for new thoughts 2 replace the old ones.
this is my thoughts on me u and everyone who kan read or know bout this blog.....
we forget things very easily and very often.

let me describe a part of u and me that we dont cherish very much the ability 2 be cold and may be insensitive....

ppl tell me have u never felt that u are terribly mistaken from not learnin from your old mistakes. if ur not i certainly am . but do u also at the same time cherish your memories????? or just ...... Dare i say ........

discard them for storage capacity for todays lifeless ways if living

do u remember how much it meant to receivewith pride and joy a rupee from ur parent in public wen u wer 6 or 7 or may be 10.

but today even if they offer u a 10 rupee u ill still feel embarresed. Remember that peck on your cheek that your dad / mum used to leave u with 2 school but today we often tend to 4get or jus dont bother w8in for one ........wile steppin out of ur front door .
no matter how long ur parents been w8in for givin you one.

like i said in previous posts kan u blame it on the world please take a while and think .

lets move on a bit outa home....... do u still remember ur first friend and all the things u would have pledged 2 them wen you wer 5????

if you do ....... u are truly super human coz i dont .............
am i at fault here .........or.......
Is it how i jus comfortablyswitched friends and promises and pledges according to use ...........
this mind u is not my story its yours you yes you the one readin this.

how many of u have split from ur "best friend" sayin ull call everyday and stopped in a month and comfotably replaced it with another "best friend" and feed ur consience that u wer busy all time
all ill say is hahahahha

stupid isnt it wen u think and look bak so please people the next time you dont receive a kiss from ur parent or a call from ue friend dont put it off face reality face it things have changed BUT THEY DONT HAVE TO BE LEFT THAT WAY

Monday, January 1, 2007

ROads 2 nowhere --- inhibition

what is it that stops you from goin an extra mile ' god ... naaa.ur parents..... naaa .the government..... naaaa wake up people face reality it is we who inhibit our selves from goin 2 that placewer no one has. wer man has never tread . it is we who fear to tread on the road 2 nowhereinhibition -------- in psychology, conscious or unconscious constraint or curtailment of a process or behaviour, especially of impulses or desires. Inhibition serves necessary social functions, abating or preventing certain impulses from being acted on.this is sometin i would like to highlite often mistoook for fearthis is not fear but cowardise to everywon out thereit is u that holds u bak.so the nex time u blame the obvious think again its your own decesion wer you stand with the crowd or away